Hey everybody! Since I didn't post much last week, I'm extending Mario Kart out this week so I can get my posts done.
Now with that out of the way let's get started.
Today's topic Mario Kart...64?
Wait, if this is the second MK game why is it called 64?
Oh yeah, It's on the N64. That makes a lot more sense.
The N64 was Nintendo's first 3D game console! Wow a big leap for Nintendo!
Fortunately it had some cool games including: MK64, Super Mario 64, and one of my favorites, Paper Mario!
Unfortunately the controller looked like this:
Wow. Just wow. A three ponged controller? With a control stick smaller than your thumb?
Man, Playing games must have been hard.
Anyways now that we're done with the history lesson lets move back to Mario Kart.
Here is a screenshot of the game.
This game inspired the look for Mario Kart Super Circuit, which also had the same new characters as this game.
Some of these tracks however were very annoying. And by annoying I mean long. Very very long.
Some of you who play Mario Kart 8 may have played N64 Rainbow Road. That course is split up into three sections. Now take all three sections and turn it into a three lap race. That is the original N64 Rainbow Road. The longest course in MK history.
This Mario Kart has a 3D/2D feel.
That means it's 2D with 3D elements.
Thats all for today guys. Keep lookin for my posts. Bye!
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